
financial indicator meaning in Chinese



  1. Today s financial indicators stock markets
  2. Stock - market analysts monitor a great variety of financial indicators
  3. Non - financial indicators - based fuzzy warning model for financial risks in enterprises
  4. Non - financial indicators , however , cannot replace financial ones , and it is not the case that the more indicators the better the applicability of the indicators should be reviewed constantly
  5. It is also found out that , at the current stage , no structural spread difference is found for issuers , an indication that the financial indicators has no marked impact on interest spread
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Related Words

  1. financial conglomerate
  2. financial taxation
  3. financial balance
  4. financial reconstruction
  5. financial summary
  6. financial stringency
  7. financial claim
  8. financial supervision
  9. financial times
  10. financial bureau
  11. financial indemnity
  12. financial index
  13. financial inducement
  14. financial industrial
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